
Discord pfp
Discord pfp

discord pfp

  • Hit Apply for the change to take effect.
  • discord pfp discord pfp

  • Double-click on the GIF you just converted from EZGif.
  • Now, open Discord, and press the lower-left cog icon.
  • Once the converted GIF has loaded in the Animated PNG output box, right-click on the file, and save it to your device.
  • Click on the Make APNG button, and wait for the file to be uploaded.
  • Under Effects, check the boxes next to crossfade frames and don’t stack frames.
  • Upload the downloaded GIF by pressing Choose Files.
  • Next, load your web browser and head over to ’s animated PNG converter.
  • Discord pfp download#

  • Download the GIF you want to use as a Discord avatar on your computer.
  • Close the User Settings window by clicking on the X icon or pressing the ESC key on your keyboard.
  • When a file dialogue appears, select the GIF file you want to upload as your Discord avatar.
  • Select the Change Avatar button under User Profile.
  • Click on the button that says Edit User Profile next to your username.
  • Hit the lower-left cog icon to access User Settings.
  • Log in to your Discord profile if you need to.
  • Boot up the Discord desktop app, or access the Discord website.
  • As such, you’ll have to open Discord on a computer. Note that, as of writing, you can’t use the Discord mobile app to change your static avatar to a GIF. Once you have everything you need, it’s time to upload your GIF PFP on Discord. However, take note that the GIF file has to be 128×128 pixels, and the file size has to be a maximum of 8 MB. Of course, you’ll also need the GIF that you want to set as your Discord avatar. If you don’t have it yet, you can subscribe to Nitro through the desktop app or the mobile app. To get a GIF PFP on Discord, you’ll need a Discord Nitro subscription (either Discord Nitro Classic or Discord Nitro).

    Discord pfp